
Listen here (or read below) https://soundcloud.com/user-928207700/02-overview/s-ObMrjkIXxMh?si=c4a6ca09d89d496f87302d025a72a5d8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing   The programme modules provide guidance to build the content of your Personal Strategy Map. At the end of each module, you are invited…

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Listen here (or read below) The programme modules provide guidance to build the content of your Personal Strategy Map. At the end of each module, you are invited to update…

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Review, Reflect and Refine

Listen here (or read below) https://soundcloud.com/user-928207700/05_review-reflect-and-refine-work-and-contribution-2023/s-oxOJJGXWbT2?si=125d9cdc5df14510bbbb711c91b93ea8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing       Review, reflect and refine Sometimes when I’m in a situation where I’m aware of there being some incongruence but am not…

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Listen here (or read below) https://soundcloud.com/user-928207700/01_introduction/s-sLrzCOp7liH?si=dcde762e58fa42d3bce431ac26305e08&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing   We are travellers on this life journey. In this programme, you will develop a map to help you navigate and find your path…

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Review, Reflect and Refine

Listen here (or read below) https://soundcloud.com/user-928207700/05_review-reflect-and-refine-work-and-contribution-2023/s-oxOJJGXWbT2?si=125d9cdc5df14510bbbb711c91b93ea8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing       Review, reflect and refine Sometimes when I’m in a situation where I’m aware of there being some incongruence but am not…

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Listen here (or read below) https://soundcloud.com/user-928207700/01_introduction/s-sLrzCOp7liH?si=99790eff974c48cb9881890fad03afad&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing   We are travellers on this life journey. In this programme, you will develop a map to help you navigate and find your path…

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