We make strategy happen, together

Strategy Together brings you seasoned experience and expertise delivered in consulting engagements, strategic advice, executive coaching and leadership development programmes.

We work with ambitious organisations, teams and individuals, equipping them to make strategy happen. We work across industries, geographies and organisation types, customising our approach to your unique needs.

Our aim is always to develop your internal capability to deliver transformational results and sustained strategic outcomes.

Contact us for:

♦ Strategy Mapping and Balanced Scorecard expertise

 Strategic advisory services

 Executive coaching and leadership development programmes

 Personal Strategy by Kit

 Organisation development and change management

 Visibility, communications and collective impact initiatives

 Organisation culture and effectiveness assessments

Meet Strategy Together Managing Partner – Kit Jackson

Kit Jackson_profile_photo

From her early career in business turnaround consulting, Kit has had an implementation focus. She has spent over thirty years helping organisations and their leaders build their capability to manage strategic change successfully. She has done this throughout the world in a multitude of different contexts, cultures, geographies and industries. Kit has held senior leadership positions in both consulting and industry.

Kit’s long association with Balanced Scorecard creators Dr. Robert S. Kaplan and the late Dr. David P. Norton and her instrumental role in evolving the Strategy Execution methodology have earned her recognition as the leading expert in strategy mapping and strategic theme management.

“We recognise Kit Jackson, who taught us how to use strategic themes for multiple strategy execution.”

Kit is passionate about enabling people to make better strategic choices and act on them. In her Personal Strategy programme – Personal Strategy by Kit – she provides practical guidance, tools, coaching and advice on how to be more strategic, prioritise effectively, and be more of who you aspire to be by developing and implementing a whole-of-life strategy.

Kit’s career is characterised by a pragmatic focus on the achievement and empowerment of potential, whether providing strategic advice, delivering corporate performance improvement programmes, implementing the right organisation structures, business model, and processes to deliver the results the strategy promises, or developing the strategic capabilities and culture to lead and enable change. She brings diverse life and work experiences to her leadership practice, and this drives her commitment to living with a growth mindset.

Kit is strategy faculty for Homeward Bound, a transformational leadership initiative that is creating a global network of STEMM women to shape the future and ensure its sustainability. 

“What is differentiating about Kit is her keen insights from having worked with a wide range of businesses, geographies, cultures and leaders. She is an excellent partner for a busy executive team and doesn’t shy away from any challenge. Her insights coupled with abundant energy and humor – and more than a few boxes of chocolates – created strong business partnerships with me and the executive team at ICBL. I’m looking forward to partnering together with Kit and Strategy Together in future ventures.”

Our contribution

At Strategy Together, we believe that our sustainable future depends on making better strategic choices. We are active contributors to two initiatives that aim to lead, educate and influence with impact to make a material difference in our world: Homeward Bound and Hearts in the Ice.

Homeward Bound is a groundbreaking global leadership initiative.

It aims to equip STEMM women with the leadership capability and agency to shape and influence our future for good. 

Beginning in 2015 as a social enterprise, Homeward Bound now operates as a not-for-profit. Currently, the alumnae include more than 800 individuals across 90 nationalities. Strategy Together has been a major contributor to the development of Homeward Bound for over eight years.

Working in cohorts of up to 100 participants in a year-long programme, HB provides a range of tools and experiences to participants – including an immersive, unique Antarctic expedition – to build the knowledge, skills, and networks of participants to lead and create better outcomes for the planet. Never has the need for highly connected, authentic and credible leaders been more urgent than it is today. HB is committed to cultivating a new era of leadership through global collaboration, inclusivity and instilling a legacy mindset.

Kit Jackson has been part of the faculty since 2016, providing strategic guidance, programme oversight, and community engagement for all of the cohorts. She leads the strategy stream, focusing on creating agency through making better strategic choices both personally and professionally using the Personal Strategy methodology. Participants report becoming more strategic leaders in their own lives, in their relationships, at work, and in their contributions, which has resulted in transformational outcomes.

Homeward Bound Antartica group photo

With crisis comes the opportunity for change

In 2019, Sunniva Sorby and Hilde Fålun Strøm became the first women in history to overwinter in the Arctic without men. They spent the winter isolated in the Norwegian Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, in a small uninsulated trapper’s hut called “Bamsebu”, with no running water or electricity, and subjected to one of the harshest climates on earth, surrounded by polar bears and total darkness. However, the long polar nights turned into the pandemic, and as they were not able to be collected in May 2020, they extended their engagement through a second overwintering, staying at Bamsebu for 19 months. 

Why would you do this? Hearts in the Ice seeks to create a global dialogue and social engagement around climate change in the polar regions; with a global network of partners, HITI represents a platform to inspire, connect, educate and ignite action on climate change issues. Hilde and Sunniva’s self-imposed isolation has had tremendous outreach, engaging with over 100,000 students worldwide, and acting as citizen scientists collecting critical data for climate change projects. Hearts in the Ice is a great example of how powerful individual action can be and inspires each of us to take personal action. 

Strategy Together has worked with Sunniva and Hilde since 2019 on building the Hearts in the Ice project strategy, providing coaching and support to them while in the Arctic and upon their return. In 2024, Strategy Together is facilitating their Arctic conference expedition with a group of climate actors, polar experts, and sustainability ambassadors to drive action and promote engagement in the climate change conversation.

Kit Jackson is a captivating and inspirational leader. For the women of the third cohort, we had her for 2 days in Ushuaia prior to boarding the ship and she absolutely blew us away with her combination of gritty determination, utmost capability and absolute grace and vulnerability.