
What clients say
“I have worked closely with Kit for 5 years, and she has been instrumental in helping the
Executive Leadership Team and me to develop our Strategy Map and build the overarching
strategic thinking capability within the business. Kit has been instrumental in helping TTI develop
and embed the strategy throughout the business and make a conscious effort to focus on how
leadership, culture and strategy collectively play a role in delivering customer and organisational
Kon RomiosChief Customer Officer, Techtronic Industries ANZ Consumer
“Kit helped me quickly assess the validity of the company’s strategic ambitions and the
organizational capability to execute them using the strategy map methodology. However, it
became abundantly clear that Kit had a broad experience, deep expertise and an engaging
approach that was to prove invaluable over the four and a half years that we partnered on the
transformation of this conventional, underperforming market leader into a profitable, future-fit and
attractive business.”
Geoff ScottCEO ICBL 2018-22
“When I first engaged Kit to guide our executive team in developing a strategy management
framework, we faced big hurdles. Our team - 17 country, category, and functional leaders, all of
them seasoned, high-performing individuals - were highly sceptical of a regional strategy or
approach. Kit not only overcame their resistance but managed to get all team members on
board. Her ability to build trust and spur engagement was remarkable. In the space of 6 months,
she turned resistors into advocates. She inspired creative brainstorming, constructive dialogue
and debate on critical strategic issues. Through her leadership, she helped the team identify and
make critical tradeoffs and helped create new roles and responsibilities to support our strategic
processes, all the while bringing clarity and coherence to the conversations.
As a result of this process, we achieved a new level of regional collaboration that embodies
Unilever’s new ways of working. Kit’s facilitation both accelerated the process and generated
accountability and ownership for the results within the leadership team. We now have a
regionally aligned new way of managing strategy, which has enabled us to deliver on our
Pier Luigi SigismondiPresident South East Asia and Australasia, Unilever
“The whole workforce pulling in the same direction. To get that level of understanding is the holy

“Having Kit at the seat of our quarterly strategy reviews has been pivotal in provoking the
discussions that need to be had to focus on the things that matter and not lose sight of the risks/
opportunities that are ahead for an organisation. Providing support in the development of the
Strategy Map, Balanced Score Cards and ongoing engagement models has helped us establish
a clear plan for sustainable growth that will position us well into the future.”
Kon RomiosChief Customer Officer, Techtronic Industries ANZ Consumer
“The Senior Leaders and Emerging Leaders programmes that Kit led were an example of
leadership development with a lasting positive impact, highly valued by participants and the
business alike. Kit and her team also led a coaching programme for all of our staff which
supported them to think more strategically about their life and work and how to utilise more
constructive thinking styles in every aspect of their lives.”
Goulbourne AlleyneCEO, ICBL
"As a key strategic partner Kit has provided leadership council to many within the executive team
and senior leadership teams within TTi and is held in high regard for her open, direct and honest
opinions and feedback. As we continue to develop and mature within the business in developing
and delivering to the strategic agenda, Kit has shifted to providing further counsel on executive
coaching. This has proven to be of high value for all of those involved and has made a significant
impact on others too."
Kon RomiosChief Customer Officer, Techtronic Industries ANZ Consumer
“I have been delighted to witness and participate in the strategic review of our business and the
implementation of the balanced scorecard. We could not have done it without Kit Jackson. Her
approach and guidance were exemplary and had a profound impact on a number of our
executives. There was an immediate understanding from our ELT of what was needed to drive
our strategy plan forward and the tools and techniques that Kit provided made the process much
simpler than we had previously experienced. Our teams could see how their activities contributed
to the success of the business, the impact of which meant that they felt engaged with our plan.
Kit kept us on track, which was just what we needed!”

“Kit steered the CEO and Executive team in the development, implementation and then
execution of the Balanced Scorecard. Her role was instrumental in helping the senior teams of
the business identify and articulate strategic issues and then ensuring that these were managed
through the execution of the BSC.”
Nikki RolfeCHRO, Rexam
“The Balanced Scorecard approach to strategy management has provided us with a framework
to align the businesses to a common set of goals, and a way to engage the whole organisation,
enabling us to navigate confidently through turbulent times. Kit Jackson continues to work with
the leadership team and theme teams to coach, challenge and guide us in bringing the right
people together to have insightful dialogue and make better strategic decisions. Kit’s dedication
to making the strategy happen has made a real difference to our business.”
Jack KlinckEVP, State Street
“Kit has been instrumental in making the implementation of the balanced scorecard a great
success in Rexam. Not only has she provided the appropriate degree of rigour and process in
the way we use the scorecard, she has also facilitated much greater levels of transparency
between the Group head office and operating units.”
Graham ChipchaseCEO Rexam
“The culture shift that was fundamental to enabling our future-focused strategy was underpinned
by the Values Programme that Kit led. Kit utilised world-class tools from Human Synergistics to
measure and assess our current culture and the drivers of organisational effectiveness and
guided us on our journey of strategic change to shift the culture from being predominantly
conventional, oppositional and avoidant to becoming more constructive, achievement-oriented
and collaborative.”
Goulbourne AlleyneCEO ICBL
"If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything." Everything starts with
values- our goals, our professional jobs, our relationships, our health and well-being.
Defining our values for Hearts in the Ice has set us up to have a finely tuned filter for
partnerships and making decisions. There has to be reciprocity and clear alignment
with values for us to have a partnership with others. Life is short and time is precious
so why not have your strategy be crystal clear so you can make the most of
everything life has to offer. We are so grateful for the work we have done on our
values and personal/business strategy with Kit. We are indebted to her for setting us
up for the success we now enjoy and the newly formed friendships in the most
surprising business spaces.”
Sunniva Sorby/Hilde Falun StromFounders, Hearts in the Ice
"I worked with Kit on a large global project spanning almost two years. You only need to spend a
little time with Kit to learn that she is personally and professionally extraordinary! Her diverse
roles as an executive, business owner, and parent ensures that she brings enormous empathy
balanced with clarity to all her coaching and leadership development engagements. Kit is also a
great team player who can work in a seamless and integrated way with diverse members of a
Corinne CanterHead of HS Consulting at Human Synergistics Australia
“I had the pleasure of working with Kit Jackson during the "Leading for Growth" executive team
training at IHG Hotels & Resorts. Kit’s extensive experience and pragmatic approach made
complex leadership concepts approachable and actionable. Her insights into my leadership
strengths and opportunities were enlightening and refreshing. She provided tangible actions and
plans that drove immediate and long-lasting improvements in both personal productivity and
leadership effectiveness. I highly recommend Kit Jackson for anyone seeking to drive
sustainable strategic change and personal growth.”
Cesar WurmVice President of Commercial, IHG Hotels and Resorts
"I’ve been lucky enough to work with Kit while she has been wearing a number of different hats.
As a coach she’s really helped me to understand where I want to grow both professionally and
personally through her fantastic Personal Strategy programme which can wholeheartedly
suggest to anyone stepping into a new role or just looking to move the dial on their personal
She has also facilitated workshops for my management team. Kit was really thoughtful in
curating two tailored sessions that were not only inspiring but also allowed us to get into some
frank and substantial discussions. This has really supported our development as a group and put
us on a path to growing our potential.
Finally, I’ve seen Kit’s work in getting our organisational ‘Agility Programme’ off the ground by
supporting the team and also providing an inspirational rallying cry through a presentation to our
Senior Leadership Group. Her work was foundational in launching this key transformation
Through all of this Kit has been a positive, engaging and thoughtful influence. The combination of
her coaching skills and understanding of people, with her vast strategy consulting experience is
not only unique but also hugely impactful. I can’t recommend working with her enough!"
Iqbal MarikkarCorporate Strategy Director, Ofcom