Reference Guide: Relationships

Listen here (or read below)     Module Reference Guide   “Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” Brené Brown 1…

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Review, Reflect and Refine

Listen here (or read below)     Review, reflect and refine The Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change…

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Exercise: Enablers for Relationships

Listen here (or read below) For each pillar there are enablers to achieving your strategic priorities, and things that will act as detractors, blockages, or anchors to your progress.…

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Exercise: Values Alignment Audit

Listen here (or read below)   “The space between our practised values and our aspirational values is the value gap or disengagement divide….we have to pay attention to the…

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Listen here (or read below)       Definitions Condense your notes of your intentions and what they mean into three draft statements of intent with a definition for…

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Review, Reflect and Refine

Listen here (or read below)     Review, reflect and refine The Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change…

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Develop your Plan

Listen here (or read below) Develop your 3-6-9-12 Month Plan - putting attention to your intention     Download from the link below or from the materials tab:  Personal…

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Listen here (or read below)       Definitions Condense your notes of your intentions and what they mean into three draft statements of intent with a definition for…

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Exercise: Enablers for Relationships

Listen here (or read below) For each pillar there are enablers to achieving your strategic priorities, and things that will act as detractors, blockages, or anchors to your progress.…

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Exercise: Values Alignment Audit

Listen here (or read below) “The space between our practised values and our aspirational values is the value gap or disengagement divide….we have to pay attention to the space…

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